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Quiz on Essere or Stare ?

For this lesson, it's a good idea to have an idea about the difference between essere and stare, keeping in mind that sometimes, they are interchangeable.


Have a look at these lessons, first, if you need some reminders because we're going to do a little quiz, where we provide some lines from Yabla videos where the verb is missing. It will be either stare or essere in some conjugation (links to conjugation charts are in this sentence). See if you can sense which one to use. Answers will be at the bottom of the page, but try not to cheat.


1) Da oggi, per molti giorni, io _______ il vostro maestro (From today, for many days, I will be your teacher).

2) Adriano _____ male e io voglio stargli vicino (Adriano isn't well and I want to stay at his side).

3) Questa ___________ la stanza di mio fratello Alberto (this was my brother Alberto's room).

4) Come ________, dottor Barale (how are you, Mister Barale)?

5) Be', capita quando il gessetto alle volte _____ troppo lungo... (Well, it happens sometimes when the chalk is too long...)

6) Così, mentre ______ per morire, invoca il nome della sua amata, Aida (and so, while he is about to die, he invokes the name of his beloved, Aida)...

7) _______ bene io e lei (she and I go well together).

8) Ti _________ aspettando per mangiare la torta (we're waiting for you to eat the cake).

9)  ______ calmi (calm down).

10) Che belli che ______ (how beautiful you are)!


Let's not forget that the verb stare is used when we form the equivalent of the present progressive or continuous, as in the following example:


Stiamo parlando del caso, non di me.

We're talking about the case, not about me.

Caption 17, I Bastardi di Pizzofalcone - EP1 I Bastardi

 Play Caption



1) Da oggi, per molti giorni, io sarò il vostro maestro (From today, for many days, I will be your teacher).

2) Adriano sta male e io voglio stargli vicino (Adriano isn't well and I want to stay at his side).

3) Questa era la stanza di mio fratello Alberto (this was my brother Alberto's room).

4) Come sta, dottor Barale (How are you, Mister Barale)?

5) Be', capita quando il gessetto alle volte è troppo lungo... (Well, it happens sometimes when the chalk is too long...)

6) Così, mentre sta per morire, invoca il nome della sua amata, Aida (and so, while he is about to die, he invokes the name of his beloved, Aida)...

7) Stiamo bene io e lei (she and I go well together).

8) Ti stiamo aspettando per mangiare la torta (we're waiting for you to eat the cake).

9) State calmi (calm down).

10) Che belli che siete (how beautiful you are)!


Come sta, dottor Barale?

How are you, Mister Barale?

Caption 30, Adriano Olivetti - La forza di un sogno Ep. 1

 Play Caption



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